Your Hub For

Aging Families

Taking that first step is everything!

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Resources for every aging family

Curated advice, tools & resources for caregiving, aging-in-place, downsizing & end of life.

Connect™ App

An industry-leading app that enables you to organize and manage an aging parent’s situation as a family.

Verified Businesses

Annually vetted business directory to deliver confidence to families who engage age-friendly businesses.

Concierge Support

Our expert advice and support solution from a live concierge, offered free to patrons by appointment.

Video Article Library

A curated online resource organizing all things related to helping a family advocate for an aging parent.

We’ll walk you through each step


Keep key information in one place

Our care planner will help you organize your families docs, Rx’s, events & more.


Work with others and reduce confusion

Our templates & concierge service helps prioritize, assign and track your to-do’s.

– VerifIED –

Connect with your family/team

Get the right person or business working on the right thing at the right time.

Ready to get started?

Connecting Aging Families


As your projects pick up, there is little room for doing things twice.

Parent Projects personalizes content, resources, tutorials, and vendor recommendations for your situation and helps you make the most of every minute regardless of what stage you are in.


Gathering facts & critical documents


Collecting family expectations & goals


What to discuss with your family


Step-by-Step work plan for the project


Finding age-friendly contractors (if needed)

Not sure where to start…

That’s Where

Brand Identifier

Can Help

An expert is on-call…

“If you’ve seen one parent project, you’ve seen one parent project”…which is to say, that sometimes the ear and guidance of an expert can help us find, and make, that first step.

After collecting some basic information about your project, a gerontologist can help you clarify important tasks to focus on first.  They can help simplify communication with stakeholders and learning. Finally, they can recommend verified businesses to support your project, providing the right business at the right time.

…backed by experienced industry voices

Local service providers

Parent Projects™ knows that trying to research local service providers who understand the challenges of helping older Americans and their caretaking can trust is a daunting, time consuming task.

We want to make it easier for caregivers to connect with professionals in your area who are “age-friendly” and commit a portion of their business to the unique needs of aging families. We’ve done the research for you and compiled top providers in your area, grouped by location and service category.

Featuring Our Latest Verified Affiliates

Relevant video articles…

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